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66 Intravenous oxygen therapy

Intravenous oxygen therapy involves supplying the blood with pure medical oxygen via an intravenous infusion for therapeutic purposes. It can be used to treat a range of illnesses successfully. Dr. Regelsberger introduced it to medicine and developed it into a unique, highly-effective and harmless therapy over decades of practice and research.

More and more doctors are applying this method for their patients’ benefit. The tiny oxygen bubbles supplied to the blood result in the formation of blood vessel-dilating and antiinflammatory substances and the flushing of excessive fluid in the tissues (oedema).

The clotting capacity of the blood platelets is inhibited, which counteracts deep vein thrombosis. In general, circulation throughout the entire body is improved. The oxygen supply additionally results in the multiplication of certain white blood cells, whose main function is to act as the body’s internal defence system. The immunity level of the body is significantly improved.


Another very important effect of intravenous oxygen therapy is the stimulation of the increased formation of the body’s internal radical interceptors.

“Free radicals” are a significant factor in our aging process and in the occurrence of numerous severe illnesses – from cardiovascular diseases and signs of wear in the joints and spine to cancer. The intravenous oxygen treatment is therefore also ideally suited to the prevention of illness and is a very effective natural biological anti-aging tool.


  • Increase in eosinophils:
    Multiplication of the absolute and relative values by a large factor (depending on the quantity of oxygen supplied).
  • Increase in basophils:
    Doubling of the absolute proportions of basophiles, leucocytes are high in heparin. Their multiplication plays a role in the improved circulation due to the intravenous oxygen treatment,
    among other things.
  • Increase in number of antibodies following intravenous oxygen treatment in parallel with
    the increase in eosinophils.
  • Blood pH values normalise.
  • Blood viscosity is reduced, decrease in hematocrit and increase in Hb-O2.
  • Normalisation tendencies occur in many metabolic processes due to the stimulating effect of the
    oxygen supplied intravenously. Recognisable based on the following lab-chemical
    parameters: Lactic acid, uric acid, urea, albumin / globulin quotient, lipoproteins, cholesterol, cortisol.
  • Microcirculation is stimulated, inactive capillaries are opened. These effects can be proved using
    acral oscillography, thermography
    and ultrasound Doppler pressure

Objective effects

Inner ear circulatory disorder:
Hearing impairment, ringing in the ears, dizziness (Morbus Meniere), tinnitus
Brain circulatory disorder:
Brain circulatory disorders with memory impairments, disturbances to concentration and sleep, dizziness, confusion; state after stroke
Eye circulatory disorder:
Glaucoma, dry macular degeneration, retinal circulatory disorder, vascular optic atrophy, diabetic retinopathy, state after fresh central artery thrombosis (central artery occlusion) and central vein thrombosis (central vein occlusion).
Leg circulatory disorder:
Arterial occlusive disease, intermittent limping, smoker’s leg, window shoppers’ disease (operations and amputations can often be prevented), gangrene (including due to diabetes), leg ulcers (Ulcus cruris, arterial and venous), water retention in the legs (edemas with various causes)
Allergic inflammatory illnesses:
Allergy, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, bronchial asthma, chronic eczema, neurodermitis, pollinosis, psoriasis, chronic inflammatory intestinal illnesses (e.g. Colitis ulcerosa, Morbus Crohn)
Anti-aging (vitalisation and revitalisation)
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