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Intratympanic therapy

Intratympanic corticosteroid (ITC) therapy involves injecting a hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel containing cortisone into the middle ear under local anaesthetic. After the gel has been applied, a slight feeling of dizziness may occur for a short time. The medication spreads directly at the target site, the cochlea in the inner ear, and can produce its effect locally there.

It is therefore possible to achieve higher concentrations at the target site than in infusions or tablets. Also, since the cortisone hardly enters the bloodstream at all, there are practically no systematic side effects. The gel-like consistency prevents the active ingredient from flowing away from the site so the effect lasts for several hours.


In most cases, several treatments are required at intervals of 2-3 days. After the administration, we advise patients to remain lying down for a few more minutes and they can leave the practice 30-45 minutes after the treatment was started.

Intratympanic corticosteroid therapy is a successful method in the treatment of hearing impairments, acute or sub-acute tinnitus and Morbus Menière. Intratympanic corticosteroid therapy has been the object of scientific research since the turn of the millennium and was made known in Germany by Prof. W. Mann of Mainz University Hospital.

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